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21/12/1472 Zgjedhjet e këshillit të Principata e Kastriotit : MAGA kanë fituar mazhorancën në numër.

KRUJË (AAP) – Lista Make Albania Great Again ka marrë kryesimin e Principata e Kastriotit në garën për zgjedhjen e këshillit të qarkut, dhe kanë fituar një mazhorance në numër.Ata mund të udhëheqin të vetëm.

Rezultatet e votave :

1. "Make Albania Great Again" (MAGA) : 100%

Vendet e këshillit janë ndarë në përpjesëtim me votat e zgjedhjeve:

1 : Idis. (MAGA)
2 : Leonit (MAGA)
3 : Sljivovica (MAGA)
4 : Xapah (MAGA)
5 : Luljeta (MAGA)
6 : Altin_ (MAGA)
7 : Smertius_der_noriker (MAGA)
8 : Nightshade. (MAGA)
9 : Momotar (MAGA)
10 : Tinek (MAGA)
11 : Stole_ (MAGA)
12 : Americanpsycho (MAGA)

Anëtarët e këshillit do të njohin Kryetarin/Kryetaren e ri të qarkut për dy ditë.Kryetari/Kryetarja duhet të shpreh respektet e qarkut Mbretit dhe të vendosë këshilltarët në pozicionet e tyre të reja.


Product Price Variation
Loaf of bread 4.52 1.01
Fruit 7.25 0
Bag of corn 1.89 0.28
Bottle of milk 6.75 0
Fish 12.23 0
Piece of meat 6.73 -0.33
Bag of wheat 15 -0.01
Bag of flour 7.5 -0.75
Hundredweight of cow 28.5 0
Ton of stone 5.17 0
Half-hundredweight of pig 13.25 0
Ball of wool 5.5 0
Hide 12.33 0
Coat N/A N/A
Vegetable 4.63 0
Wood bushel 1.82 -0.63
Small ladder 22.55 0
Large ladder 30 0
Oar 21.25 0
Hull 15 0
Shaft 7.25 0
Boat 60 0
Stone 12.13 0
Axe 105 0
Ploughshare N/A N/A
Hoe N/A N/A
Ounce of iron ore 6.38 3.23
Unhooped bucket 21.5 0
Bucket 30.39 0
Knife 11.62 0
Ounce of steel 20 0
Unforged axe blade 25 0
Axe blade 70 0
Blunted axe 97.5 0
Hat 40 0
Man's shirt 88.75 0
Woman's shirt 42.5 0
Waistcoat 50 0
Pair of trousers 52.5 0
Mantle 100 0
Dress 180 0
Man's hose 17.5 0
Woman's hose 17.5 0
Pair of shoes 30 0
Pair of boots 52.5 0
Belt 30.25 0
Barrel 5.25 0
Pint of beer 0.03 0
Barrel of beer 45 0
Bottle of wine N/A N/A
Barrel of wine N/A N/A
Bag of hops N/A N/A
Bag of malt N/A N/A
Sword blade 65 0
Unsharpened sword 55 0
Sword 147.97 0
Shield 30 0
Playing cards 15 0
Cloak 108 0
Collar 58 0
Skirt 50 0
Tunic 115 0
Overalls 55 0
Corset 50 0
Rope belt 25 0
Headscarf 33.75 0
Helmet 82 0
Toque 20 0
Headdress 30 0
Poulaine 25 0
Cod N/A N/A
Conger eel N/A N/A
Sea bream 10 0
Herring N/A N/A
Whiting 9.5 0
Skate 12.5 0
Sole 15.13 0
Tuna 12 0
Turbot N/A N/A
Red mullet 9.5 0
Mullet 12.5 0
Scorpionfish N/A N/A
Salmon 15 0
Arctic char N/A N/A
Grayling 12.5 0
Pike 15 0
Catfish N/A N/A
Eel 9 0
Carp 3.5 0
Gudgeon 3.5 0
Trout 12.5 0
Pound of olives 5 0
Pound of grapes 5.85 0
Sack of barley 11 0
Half-hundred weight of goat carcasses N/A N/A
Bottle of goat's milk N/A N/A
Tapestry 35 0
Bottle of olive oil 85.5 0
Jar of agave nectar N/A N/A
Bushel of salt 15 0
Bar of clay 2 0
Cask of Scotch whisky 35 0
Cask of Irish whiskey 57.5 0
Bottle of ewe's milk 11 0
Majolica vase N/A N/A
Porcelain plate N/A N/A
Ceramic tile N/A N/A
Parma ham 40 0
Bayonne ham 10 0
Iberian ham 25 0
Black Forest ham 45 0
Barrel of cider 25 0
Bourgogne wine 67.51 0
Bordeaux wine 22.5 0
Champagne wine 35 0
Toscana wine 14 0
Barrel of porto wine 57.5 0
Barrel of Tokaji 77.5 0
Rioja wine 35 0
Barrel of Retsina 45 0
Pot of yoghurt 59.75 0
Cow's milk cheese 27.5 0
Goat's milk cheese 35 0
Ewe's milk cheese 45 0
Anjou wine 35 0
Ewe carcass 15 0
Mast 325 0
Small sail 105 0
Large sail 656.3 0
Tumbler of pulque N/A N/A
Jar of pulque N/A N/A