Kingdoms Associated Press

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19/12/1472 Interview with Princess of Wales, Llyres

Kingdoms Associated Press - London, England

England Withdraws from French Alliance
Interview with Sebastian, England's Ambassador to France

Our next interview features the Princess of Wales, Llyres Windsong who is currently attending a diplomatic meeting with the French. KAP made an effort to keep the questions respectful of the event's private nature. As far as we know, the meeting is still underway.

✍️ KAP What is your perspective on the king's decision to withdraw from the treaty without consultation or notice?

Princess Llyres
According to the Royal Embassy Charter, the Monarch has final say on a treaty’s approval, and according to treaty design, the Crown can end it. In this instance. I believe that notice was given within His Majesty’s Privy address, clearly stating His desire to frame all diplomatic relations on equal footing, specifically bringing attention to France.

✍️ KAP As a royal representative, how do you balance loyalty to the crown with the need to address concerns from both England and France?

Princess Llyres
In England, the role of Heir Apparent is considered of the Crown, not representative. Ideally the Heir advises and balances the Monarch in ways that are complimentary, and in service to England. As Heir I welcome the chance to hear multiple perspectives and carry those perspectives to His Majesty for consideration. Regarding the need to address concerns of both England and France, there is a meeting underway in the Embassy.

✍️ KAP Do you see a role for yourself in mediating this diplomatic crisis?

Princess Llyres
England holds three active treaties with France, so I do not see this moment as a crisis. I am happy to lend what assistance I may in advancing this diplomatic relationship.

✍️ KAP What message do you believe this incident sends to other nations about England's reliability as an ally?

Princess Llyres
England has stood by its international friends and allies, by land and sea, and through trade support. Ending one treaty that has long been out of compliance did not end the relationship with France. We retain open relations and a willingness to treat as equals with all nations.

✍️ KAPAs a member of the English royal family, do you agree with the King’s decision? Why or why not?

Princess Llyres
I uphold the King’s decision to advance those relationships that require attention.

✍️ KAP How do you see this affecting England's royal image and reputation in international affairs?

Princess Llyres
Perhaps it will change England’s image and reputation as a nation. We discarded an older treaty that was showing its flaws within the first year of its adoption. Rather than continue with status quo, the King took an action. We have not ended the relationship and other treaties remain in force. We have stood with France in the past, lending aide - armies and ships. I personally have sailed for the Royal French fleet in the past, just as I have sailed with SRING and Bretagne. But perhaps our willingness to move forward also brings opportunity to create something better between our nations, and other nations, for the future.

✍️ KAP In your view, what should be the next steps to address the fallout from this decision? What role do you believe you or the royal family could play in mending relations with France?

Princess Llyres
I believe that we should continue our ongoing talks with France within the Embassy. For myself, I will remain open to talking within the Embassy or with those French captains whom I have forged relations, alongside our Chancellor and Admiral.

✍️ KAP What is your role in this meeting, and how do you see yourself contributing to its outcomes?

Princess Llyres
Whatever I may have assumed my role in the meeting might have been, His Majesty determined that I take the lead on sharing concerns. While I knew firsthand of specific failings in the alliance treaty, I took a strategy of speaking broadly, hoping to move from a rapid acknowledgement that terms of this old alliance treaty were not being met, and caused challenges in our overall relations. I attempted to push the conversation away from what I feared would be a frustrating slog through past incidents and hoped to speed us towards a productive conversation about the times we are now in, obviously unsuccessfully.

Since the meeting is underway, I hope yet to contribute to positive outcomes.

✍️ KAP As a member of the royal family, how do you feel this decision reflects on England’s monarchy?

Princess Llyres
I know that within England this action was supported by some and criticized by others. Over time, I hope our people will come to fully understand that this decision was consistent with the promises made by King Rowan during his campaign. If they draw conclusions, it is that the King will adhere to his word and is unafraid to act, if he believes his action will ultimately benefit England.

✍️ KAP Do you think this secretive approach undermines public trust in leadership?

Princess Llyres
His Majesty opened Privy to all eyes in our kingdom, an unprecedented step toward transparency. There, he clearly stated his goals for diplomacy, knowing all England could view them. His actions should not be regarded secretive.

✍️ KAP What message do you have for those worried about the future of English - French relations?

Princess Llyres
There is no reason we cannot continue to develop this relation with our neighbor France. His Majesty saw fit to release a treaty that France could not comply with easily. We did not end relations. With conversation and in time, I see strong opportunity for an authentically robust treaty that could replace the alliance treaty of 1462.

Thank you to the Princess of Wales, Llyres for her interview with KAP. KAP awaits the answers from the French side of this so there will be a small delay in the next edition.

England KAP
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Product Price Variation
Loaf of bread 5.97 -0.01
Fruit 12.26 0
Bag of corn 2.56 -0.01
Bottle of milk 8.7 -0
Fish 19.39 0
Piece of meat 15.15 -0.01
Bag of wheat 11.61 -0.02
Bag of flour 11.7 -0.1
Hundredweight of cow 29.62 -2.53
Ton of stone 8.83 0
Half-hundredweight of pig 15.46 0
Ball of wool 11.03 0
Hide 16.8 0
Coat N/A N/A
Vegetable 7.65 0.16
Wood bushel 5.27 -0.03
Small ladder 35.72 0
Large ladder 66.21 0
Oar 21.74 0
Hull 43.53 0
Shaft 9.26 0
Boat 93.31 0
Stone 15.83 0.03
Axe 149.6 0
Ploughshare N/A N/A
Hoe N/A N/A
Ounce of iron ore 21.45 -0.01
Unhooped bucket 23.77 -0.01
Bucket 33.4 -0.24
Knife 16.7 0.09
Ounce of steel 46.89 0
Unforged axe blade 71.08 0
Axe blade 92.99 0
Blunted axe 116.94 0.08
Hat 48.7 0
Man's shirt 106.74 0
Woman's shirt 114 0
Waistcoat 130.81 0
Pair of trousers 66.92 0
Mantle 260.08 0
Dress 250.78 0
Man's hose 41.42 0
Woman's hose 46.88 0
Pair of shoes 25.72 0
Pair of boots 80.8 0
Belt 34.98 0
Barrel 8.74 0
Pint of beer 0.8 0
Barrel of beer 69.67 0
Bottle of wine N/A N/A
Barrel of wine N/A N/A
Bag of hops 18.75 0
Bag of malt N/A N/A
Sword blade 101.8 0
Unsharpened sword 171.21 0
Sword 152.86 0
Shield 55.02 0
Playing cards 83.71 0
Cloak 171.49 0
Collar 69.25 0
Skirt 126.72 0
Tunic 240.11 0
Overalls 110.92 0
Corset 123.71 0
Rope belt 44.53 0
Headscarf 46.04 0
Helmet 161.17 0
Toque 50.11 0
Headdress 83.57 0
Poulaine 63.46 0
Cod 19.16 0
Conger eel 20.86 0
Sea bream 20.88 0
Herring 19.99 0
Whiting 20.13 0
Skate 23.46 0
Sole 18.58 0
Tuna 24 0
Turbot 21.31 0
Red mullet 17.6 0
Mullet 18.26 0
Scorpionfish N/A N/A
Salmon 17.92 0
Arctic char N/A N/A
Grayling 21.06 0
Pike 17.13 0
Catfish N/A N/A
Eel 25.72 0
Carp 11.19 0
Gudgeon 20.63 0
Trout 16.69 0
Pound of olives 19.84 0
Pound of grapes 13.07 0
Sack of barley 12.78 0
Half-hundred weight of goat carcasses 12.86 0
Bottle of goat's milk 10.72 0
Tapestry 102.71 0
Bottle of olive oil 110.35 0
Jar of agave nectar N/A N/A
Bushel of salt 23.71 0
Bar of clay 4.75 1
Cask of Scotch whisky 106.12 0
Cask of Irish whiskey 93.73 0
Bottle of ewe's milk 14.75 0
Majolica vase N/A N/A
Porcelain plate N/A N/A
Ceramic tile N/A N/A
Parma ham 165.94 0
Bayonne ham 87.49 0
Iberian ham 49.38 0
Black Forest ham 70.25 0
Barrel of cider 78.48 0
Bourgogne wine 120.25 0
Bordeaux wine 55.33 0
Champagne wine 81.25 0
Toscana wine 73.09 0
Barrel of porto wine 120.94 0
Barrel of Tokaji 95.41 0
Rioja wine 122.44 0
Barrel of Retsina 73.75 0
Pot of yoghurt 130.63 0
Cow's milk cheese 72.97 0
Goat's milk cheese 162.49 0
Ewe's milk cheese 66.88 0
Anjou wine 87.15 0
Ewe carcass 13.75 0
Mast 403.2 0
Small sail 284.06 0
Large sail 904.2 0
Tumbler of pulque N/A N/A
Jar of pulque N/A N/A