Kingdoms Associated Press

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11/06/1472 Election of County of Galloway's council : WTD have obtained the absolute majority of the seats.

LONDON (AAP) – The list Come back Kat have taken the lead in the County of Galloway county council election race, and have gained an absolute majority of the seats. They can govern alone.

Result of the vote :

1. "Come back Kat" (WTD) : 100%

The seats of the council have been split in proportion to the election votes:

1 : Tavore (WTD)
2 : Emerald23 (WTD)
3 : Couston (WTD)
4 : Cinead (WTD)
5 : Innara (WTD)
6 : Bisdak (WTD)
7 : Rhosyn (WTD)
8 : Edelmiro (WTD)
9 : Gherlinde (WTD)
10 : Catani (WTD)
11 : Blodwyn (WTD)
12 : Gracelynn (WTD)

The members of the council will recognize the new Count(ess) in two days. The Count(ess) will have to present the county's respects to the King and appoint the councillors to their new positions.


Product Price Variation
Loaf of bread 5.12 -0.07
Fruit 6.52 0
Bag of corn 2.65 -0.02
Bottle of milk 8.2 0
Fish 16.02 -0.09
Piece of meat 17.5 0.04
Bag of wheat 9.43 -0.24
Bag of flour 11.25 0.02
Hundredweight of cow 30.66 0
Ton of stone 11.38 0
Half-hundredweight of pig 15.38 0
Ball of wool 11.06 0
Hide 14.78 0
Coat N/A N/A
Vegetable 8.96 0.09
Wood bushel 4.13 -0.05
Small ladder 20.24 0
Large ladder 62.68 0
Oar 27.16 0
Hull 27.38 0
Shaft 6.75 0
Boat 86.38 0
Stone 10.72 0
Axe 154.64 0
Ploughshare N/A N/A
Hoe N/A N/A
Ounce of iron ore 18.06 0
Unhooped bucket 26.83 0
Bucket 46.94 0
Knife 14.14 0
Ounce of steel 47.01 0
Unforged axe blade 48.25 0
Axe blade 88.75 0
Blunted axe 110.06 2.5
Hat 44.44 0
Man's shirt 123.69 0
Woman's shirt 110.94 0
Waistcoat 143.25 0
Pair of trousers 78.05 0
Mantle 230.68 0
Dress 216.06 0
Man's hose 35.75 0
Woman's hose 43.25 0
Pair of shoes 25.63 0
Pair of boots 72.56 0
Belt 37.06 0
Barrel 15.06 0
Pint of beer 0.65 0
Barrel of beer 57.5 0
Bottle of wine N/A N/A
Barrel of wine N/A N/A
Bag of hops N/A N/A
Bag of malt N/A N/A
Sword blade 88.87 0
Unsharpened sword 90 0
Sword 154.48 0
Shield 57 0
Playing cards 70.65 0
Cloak 163.44 0
Collar 56.38 0
Skirt 120.25 0
Tunic 238.95 0
Overalls 100.52 0
Corset 133.75 0
Rope belt 55.53 0
Headscarf 40 0
Helmet 156.56 0
Toque 53.53 0
Headdress 70.38 0
Poulaine 56.59 0
Cod 15.74 0
Conger eel 15.75 0
Sea bream 15.25 0
Herring 19.75 0
Whiting 21.24 0
Skate 19.14 0
Sole 27.47 0
Tuna 18.25 0
Turbot 23.19 0
Red mullet 14.75 0
Mullet 19.14 0
Scorpionfish N/A N/A
Salmon 13.4 0
Arctic char N/A N/A
Grayling 14.75 0
Pike 16.25 0
Catfish N/A N/A
Eel 13.75 0
Carp 3.5 0
Gudgeon 15.25 0
Trout 16.5 0
Pound of olives 7.5 0
Pound of grapes 14.88 0
Sack of barley 9.75 0
Half-hundred weight of goat carcasses N/A N/A
Bottle of goat's milk 7 0
Tapestry 106.25 0
Bottle of olive oil 70 0
Jar of agave nectar N/A N/A
Bushel of salt 17.31 0
Bar of clay 3.25 0
Cask of Scotch whisky 85.08 0
Cask of Irish whiskey 132.5 0
Bottle of ewe's milk 12.5 0
Majolica vase N/A N/A
Porcelain plate N/A N/A
Ceramic tile N/A N/A
Parma ham 67.5 0
Bayonne ham 51.88 0
Iberian ham 64.75 0
Black Forest ham 84.81 0
Barrel of cider 60.13 0
Bourgogne wine 101.25 0
Bordeaux wine 51.25 0
Champagne wine 52.5 0
Toscana wine 32.38 0
Barrel of porto wine 135 0
Barrel of Tokaji 137.5 0
Rioja wine 76.25 0
Barrel of Retsina 72.25 0
Pot of yoghurt 52.5 0
Cow's milk cheese 66.5 0
Goat's milk cheese 87.5 0
Ewe's milk cheese 52.5 0
Anjou wine 53.75 0
Ewe carcass N/A N/A
Mast 476.67 0
Small sail 161.39 0
Large sail 955.17 0
Tumbler of pulque N/A N/A
Jar of pulque N/A N/A