01/02/1473 Election of Westmorland's council : KWS have obtained the absolute majority of the seats.
LONDON (AAP) The list Keep Westmorland Strong have taken the lead in the Westmorland county council election race, and have gained an absolute majority of the seats. They can govern alone. LONDON (AAP) The list All For Sussex have taken the lead in the Sussex county council election race, and have gained an absolute majority of the seats. They can govern alone. LONDON (AAP) The list ALL FOR DEVON! have taken the lead in the Devon county council election race, and have gained an absolute majority of the seats. They can govern alone. Kingdoms Associated Press - London, England Previously: England Withdraws from French Alliance Interview with Sebastian, England's Ambassador to France Interview with Princess of Wales, Llyres Part 2: England Withdraws from French Alliance England KAP would like to welcome, Dorrante, France’s Great Ambassador who is attending the meeting where England removed the Alliance Treaty between the Kingdom of France and the Kingdom of England. He has answered some questions on the matter from his point of view. His answers are in both English and French as this is an international issue. ✍️ KAP What has been France's official reaction to the sudden treaty withdrawal? Dorrante FR : A vrai dire, ma réaction personnelle a été une immense incompréhension, et une grande stupéfaction. Jamais je n’aurais pu imaginer qu’une alliance vieille de 10 ans et unissant deux royaumes aurait pu être remise en cause en seulement quelques jours. Cela m’a également causé beaucoup de tristesse. La réaction officielle de la France a simplement été de prendre acte de cette rupture de l’alliance suite à la décision de Sa Majesté le roi d’Angleterre, qui dirige un Etat souverain égal à la France en dignité et en grandeur. ENG : To be honest, my personal reaction was a huge misunderstanding and a great astonishment. I never imagined that a 10-year old alliance uniting two kingdoms could be called into question in just a few days. It also caused me a great deal of sadness. The official reaction from France was simply to acknowledge this break in the alliance following the decision of His Majesty the King of England, who is running a sovereign state equal to France in dignity and grandeur. ✍️ KAP How do you view the lack of a formal report or justification from England Dorrante FR Cela renforce notre incompréhension. Nous avons bien sûr essayé de comprendre quels étaient les motifs officiels de cette rupture et nous avons insisté à plusieurs reprises pour obtenir des explications. Cependant nous n’avons obtenu que quelques motifs vagues, comme quoi la France ne respectait pas le traité d’alliance, qu’il n’y aurait aucun lien entre les ambassadeurs de nos deux pays, que la France considérerait l’Angleterre comme son petit frère. Nous avons néanmoins observé qu’aucun fait précis, ayant eu lieu à une date déterminée, entre des acteurs identifiables n’a pu nous être rapporté. A l’inverse, nous avons expliqué à Sa Majesté le roi d’Angleterre que nos services diplomatiques étaient en contact ininterrompu depuis des mois, que la communication était optimale, et que notre relation bilatérale, jusqu’à l’élection du roi Rowan_Ashenheart était parfaite. A vrai dire, nous craignons qu’il y ait d’autres raisons qui expliquent véritablement cette rupture du traité d’alliance, nous pensons que des influences étrangères ont interféré dans la décision de Sa Majesté le roi d’Angleterre. Je n’en dirai pas davantage. ENG : This reinforces our misunderstanding. We have of course tried to understand the official reasons for this break-up and we have repeatedly insisted on explanations. However, we got only some vague reasons, that France did not respect the alliance treaty, that there would be no link between the ambassadors of our two countries, that France would consider England as its little brother. We have nevertheless observed that no specific event, having occurred on a certain date, between identifiable actors could be reported to us. Conversely, we explained to His Majesty the King of England that our diplomatic services had been in continuous contact for months, that communication was optimal, and that our bilateral relationship until the election of King Rowlan_ashenheart was perfect. Indeed, we fear that there are other reasons for the breach of the alliance treaty, and we believe that foreign influences have interfered in the decision of His Majesty the King of England. I will not say more. ✍️ KAP What steps, if any, is France considering in response to this breach of alliance? Dorrante FR La France est respectueuse de la souveraineté de ses voisins et de ses décisions. Nous regrettons le choix du roi d’Angleterre, parce qu’elle ne nous paraît pas justifiée. Nous continuerons cependant à honorer l’esprit de ce traité d’alliance qui est ancré dans nos coeurs et dans nos mémoires. Cela signifie que nous continuerons à considérer que le peuple anglais est un allié naturel de la France, même si leur roi a décidé du contraire. De ce fait, le peuple anglais pourra toujours compter sur notre amitié ainsi que sur notre bienveillance. Nous serons bien sûr prêts à lui venir en aide, s’il nous le demande. Et lorsque les autorités anglaises seront prêtes pour cela, nous les accueillerons avec plaisir pour rebâtir une nouvelle alliance militaire. Cela peut très bien se faire demain, dans une semaine, ou dans six mois : notre porte sera toujours ouverte à la couronne d’Angleterre. ENG France respects the sovereignty of its neighbours and their decisions. We regret the choice of the king of England, because it does not seem justified. We will continue to honour the spirit of this covenant treaty, which is anchored in our hearts and memories. This means that we will continue to consider the English people as a natural ally of France, even if their king has decided otherwise. As a result, the English people will always be able to count on our friendship and goodwill. We will of course be ready to help him if he asks us. And when the English authorities are ready for this, we will welcome them with pleasure to rebuild a new military alliance. It may well be tomorrow, in a week or six months: our door will always be open to the English crown. ✍️ KAP What message do you hope your letter to the English counts conveys, and what outcome do you anticipate? Dorrante FR Je souhaite indiquer à Leurs Grandeurs les comtes du Royaume d’Angleterre que le Royaume de France est à leur disposition pour maintenir et renforcer les liens d’amitié qui nous unissent. Que nous continuerons à appliquer les dispositions du traité d’alliance avec les provinces anglaises et qu’elles pourront nous solliciter directement pour tout type de demande. ENG I wish to inform Their Grandeurs the counts of the Kingdom of England that the Kingdom of France is at their disposal to maintain and strengthen the bonds of friendship which unite us. That we will continue to apply the provisions of the alliance treaty with the English provinces and that they can contact us directly for any type of request. ✍️ KAP What were France’s expectations for the alliance, and were you aware of any tension that might have led to this abrupt decision? Dorrante FR A vrai dire, lors des dernières heures du règne de Sa Majesté Avanni Palidor, il était question de renforcer notre alliance, et d’actualiser notre traité pour prendre en compte les menaces actuelles qui impactent aussi bien le Royaume d’Angleterre que le Royaume de France. Dans la mesure où il n’existait aucune tension entre les couronnes françaises et anglaises, et que selon nous notre alliance fonctionnait parfaitement bien, nous n’avions aucune raison de nous attendre à une rupture aussi abrupte. ENG Indeed, in the last hours of His Majesty Avanni Palidor’s reign, there was talk of strengthening our alliance and updating our treaty to take into account the current threats that affect both the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France. Since there was no tension between the French and English crowns, and we thought our alliance worked perfectly well, we had no reason to expect such a sharp break. ✍️ KAP In your correspondence with the counts of England, what feedback or responses have you received thus far? Dorrante FR Je préfère ne pas répondre à cette question pour des raisons évidentes de confidentialité, mais j’indique à nouveau que le royaume de France est à la disposition de chaque sujet anglais qui souhaiterait se prévaloir de l’application de notre traité d’alliance. ENG I prefer not to answer this question for obvious reasons of confidentiality, but I point out once again that the Kingdom of France is at the disposal of every English subject who would like to avail himself of the application of our treaty of alliance. ✍️ KAP What steps is France planning to take in response to the treaty's withdrawal? Dorrante FR Nous souhaitons maintenir notre amitié historique avec le peuple anglais et continuerons à discuter, échanger ou traiter avec tous ceux le souhaitent. ENG We wish to maintain our historic friendship with the English people and will continue to discuss, exchange or deal with anyone who wishes. ✍️ KAP Will this affect diplomatic relations or trade agreements? Dorrante FR Les relations commerciales entre le royaume d’Angleterre et le royaume de France sont parfaitement libres ! Nous incitons tous les Anglais qui le souhaitent à poursuivre les échanges commerciaux avec nous. ENG The commercial relations between the kingdom of England and the kingdom of France are perfectly free! We encourage all English who wish to continue trading with us. ✍️ KAP How has France reacted to the lack of a formal justification from England? Dorrante FR Il me semble avoir répondu dans la question « What has been France's official reaction to the sudden treaty withdrawal? » ENG I think I answered in the question “What was the official reaction of France to the sudden withdrawal from the treaty?” Thank you Dorrante, the French Great Ambassador for answering our questions at KAP. Kallist0 England KAP Editor-in-Chief Interviewees' opinions are those submitted in response to the questions asked of them and do not reflect the views of KAP or the reporter. The International KAP offices is the place to find the right to respond to any KAP article and for the International rules of KAP. Kingdoms Associated Press - London, England Previously: England Withdraws from French Alliance Interview with Sebastian, England's Ambassador to France Interview with Princess of Wales, Llyres Having reviewed the Alliance Treaty between the Kingdom of France and the Kingdom of England it contains several key points worth noting. The treaty stipulates that France and England agreed to support each other through intelligence sharing, military and naval aid, and the sharing of prestige among their armies - provided such actions did not jeopardize their own territories. All aid is explicitly subject to feasibility and mutual agreement. On or around December 17, the Chancellor of the Royal Embassy, Ysabella, issued a a statement to France outlining the rationale for nullifying the alliance treaty. Notably, the statement appears to have been authored by the Chancellor herself, rather than the Monarch of England, as no signature or direct communication from the monarch is evident. Furthermore, the Monarch of England has remained silent on this matter, declining to respond to KAP's request for an interview to provide his perspective. In Westminster, the House of Parliament initiated discussions to question the Royal Embassy Chancellor, Ysabelle, regarding the decision to withdraw from the alliance treaty. Members of Parliament posed several inquiries, but the Chancellor has yet to provide substantive answers. While she initially indicated her intent to address these questions, her responses have largely deferred resolution, stating that she will respond after her meeting with France concludes. It is worth noting that France and England only received the formal reasoning for the treaty's nullification two weeks after the Monarch of England, Rowan, took action to dissolve it. As of now, the parliamentary debate and the ongoing discussions between France and England remain unresolved. KAP will update as information comes in. Kallist0 England KAP Editor-in-Chief The International KAP Office is the place to find your right to respond to any KAP article and for the International rules of KAP.
Product | Price | Variation |
Loaf of bread | 4.56 | -0.28 |
Fruit | 9.92 | 0 |
Bag of corn | 3.7 | 0.87 |
Bottle of milk | 9.48 | 0.11 |
Fish | 20.26 | 0.06 |
Piece of meat | 12.25 | 0.13 |
Bag of wheat | 10.89 | -0 |
Bag of flour | 12.88 | 1.64 |
Hundredweight of cow | 20.53 | 0.33 |
Ton of stone | 10.44 | -0 |
Half-hundredweight of pig | 15.41 | 0.05 |
Ball of wool | 10.86 | -0.14 |
Hide | 16.32 | -0.06 |
Coat | 49.5 | 0 |
Vegetable | 9.38 | -0.18 |
Wood bushel | 4.19 | 0.08 |
Small ladder | 20.18 | 0 |
Large ladder | 68.02 | 0 |
Oar | 20 | -0 |
Hull | 36.49 | 0 |
Shaft | 8.16 | -0.14 |
Boat | 99.33 | 0.63 |
Stone | 18.32 | -0.11 |
Axe | 150.74 | 0 |
Ploughshare | 38.44 | 0 |
Hoe | 30 | 0 |
Ounce of iron ore | 11.52 | 0.2 |
Unhooped bucket | 21.88 | 0 |
Bucket | 37.73 | 0 |
Knife | 17.89 | 0 |
Ounce of steel | 49.04 | -0.06 |
Unforged axe blade | 53.91 | 0 |
Axe blade | 116.44 | 0 |
Blunted axe | 127.79 | -2.51 |
Hat | 53.38 | 0.08 |
Man's shirt | 119.57 | 0.12 |
Woman's shirt | 121.14 | 0 |
Waistcoat | 141.4 | 0 |
Pair of trousers | 74.61 | -0.09 |
Mantle | 257.82 | 0 |
Dress | 265.04 | -0.2 |
Man's hose | 45.63 | -0 |
Woman's hose | 44.32 | 0 |
Pair of shoes | 27.53 | -0.01 |
Pair of boots | 86.57 | 0 |
Belt | 45.2 | -0 |
Barrel | 12.02 | 0 |
Pint of beer | 0.82 | 0 |
Barrel of beer | 66.51 | 2.5 |
Bottle of wine | 1.66 | 0 |
Barrel of wine | N/A | N/A |
Bag of hops | 19.34 | 0 |
Bag of malt | 10 | 0 |
Sword blade | 101.19 | 0 |
Unsharpened sword | 169.69 | 0 |
Sword | 146.48 | -0.07 |
Shield | 36.91 | 0 |
Playing cards | 73.55 | -0 |
Cloak | 180.72 | 0 |
Collar | 68.35 | -0.06 |
Skirt | 135.35 | 0 |
Tunic | 222.36 | 0 |
Overalls | 115.73 | 0 |
Corset | 117.2 | 0 |
Rope belt | 53.86 | 0 |
Headscarf | 60.73 | 0 |
Helmet | 164.91 | 0 |
Toque | 48.61 | 0 |
Headdress | 79.65 | 0 |
Poulaine | 64.02 | 0 |
Cod | 11.36 | 0 |
Conger eel | 12.81 | 0 |
Sea bream | 18.31 | 0 |
Herring | 17.43 | 0 |
Whiting | 17.42 | 0 |
Skate | 12.16 | 0 |
Sole | 18.11 | 0 |
Tuna | 12.51 | 0 |
Turbot | 18.02 | 0 |
Red mullet | 16.53 | 0 |
Mullet | 12.47 | -0 |
Scorpionfish | 20.5 | 0 |
Salmon | 16.51 | 0 |
Arctic char | 12 | 0 |
Grayling | 14.77 | 0 |
Pike | 17.6 | 0 |
Catfish | N/A | N/A |
Eel | 15.09 | 0 |
Carp | 17.98 | 0.03 |
Gudgeon | 17.68 | -0.04 |
Trout | 17.51 | 0 |
Pound of olives | 13.38 | 0 |
Pound of grapes | 9.18 | 0 |
Sack of barley | 10.67 | 0 |
Half-hundred weight of goat carcasses | 18.99 | 0 |
Bottle of goat's milk | 12.81 | 0 |
Tapestry | 143.6 | 0 |
Bottle of olive oil | 121.94 | -0 |
Jar of agave nectar | N/A | N/A |
Bushel of salt | 19.89 | 0 |
Bar of clay | 3.43 | -0 |
Cask of Scotch whisky | 93.32 | -0 |
Cask of Irish whiskey | 131.27 | 0 |
Bottle of ewe's milk | 10.57 | 0 |
Majolica vase | 10 | 0 |
Porcelain plate | N/A | N/A |
Ceramic tile | N/A | N/A |
Parma ham | 84.97 | 0 |
Bayonne ham | 34.65 | -0 |
Iberian ham | 70.28 | 0 |
Black Forest ham | 54.72 | 0 |
Barrel of cider | 51.16 | 0 |
Bourgogne wine | 76.22 | 0 |
Bordeaux wine | 60.89 | 0.31 |
Champagne wine | 141.21 | -5.25 |
Toscana wine | 33.69 | 0 |
Barrel of porto wine | 87.44 | 0 |
Barrel of Tokaji | 163.71 | 0 |
Rioja wine | 159.19 | 0 |
Barrel of Retsina | 36.79 | -0 |
Pot of yoghurt | 85.17 | -0 |
Cow's milk cheese | 77.07 | 0 |
Goat's milk cheese | 85.06 | 2.5 |
Ewe's milk cheese | 52.26 | 0 |
Anjou wine | 50.88 | -0 |
Ewe carcass | 15.03 | 0 |
Mast | 456.7 | 0 |
Small sail | 215.71 | 0 |
Large sail | 838.79 | 0 |
Tumbler of pulque | N/A | N/A |
Jar of pulque | N/A | N/A |